3ptools Quick tip #2: Start strip from hitpoint - 0 comment(s)
( August 16, 2012 8:27 PM ) -- If you draw from closed geometry, the strip will use that as a 3D starting point. While the obvious use of this is for things like alpha shell hairs, it can also be used to ensure position alignment with existing geometry. As with most aspects of 3ptools, this is designed to give you control without breaking the intuitive flow of creation.

3ptools Quick tip #1: Temporary geometry - 1 comment(s)
( August 14, 2012 5:39 AM ) -- The following trick may seem obvious, but it's well worth keeping in mind as it will come to your aid when you need a strip to curve just so. Since geometry strips are very quick to lay down, you can use them to construct a kind of scaffolding to hold the main structure in place.

Unveiling 3ptools Lite - 13 comment(s)
( August 11, 2012 7:40 PM ) -- 3ptools is an extensive toolset for 3D modeling in Autodesk 3ds Max, focusing on ease-of-use and automation of technical tasks.

As a taste of things to come, and free to use for non-commercial purposes, 3ptools Lite is designed to invoke the experience of line-drawing in a 3D environment by letting you paint strips of geometry in an intuitive manner.

In order to let the artist remain creative, the technical complexities of the plugin are hidden underneath the hood. This means that a large number of cases are handled based on projected artist expectations and modeling environment, instead of forcing the user to micro-manage.

3ptools Lite is available for download as of August 11th from http://www.3pointstudios.com

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